How Long Should You Feed a Corgi Puppy Food

So, you're wondering how much you need to feed your corgi.

In this article, we'll cover:

  • How much corgis eat on average
  • Estimated amounts to feed a corgi puppy
  • Baseline calculations and variables to consider
  • How to tell if your corgi is over or underweight
  • How to make yoru corgi gain or lose weight
  • And more

You should have a solid baseline measurement and understand why there's no answer to this question by the end of the article.

Sound good? Let's feed your corgi the right amount.

Last updated: 6/17/20.

How much do corgis eat?

Corgi on the beach.
Corgis are no stranger to overeating.

Let's face it.

Corgis love food and may have a problem stopping themselves from gloriously engorging their face into a bowl of dog kibble.

Corgis are a highly food-motivated breed.

Pair that with their high intellect and you have a dog that's easily trained.

Just use treats and a bit of motivation and you can make your corgi do all sorts of cool tricks.

But the drawback?

They're prone to overeating.

Any corgi owner will tell you the same thing.

These dogs don't know when to stop eating and can quickly gain weight.

This is especially true for corgi owners who don't give their dog adequate exercise daily.

The volume of kibble you feed your puppy will change.

  • For example, at 8 weeks, you'd be feeding less (1/3 cup, twice a day).
  • At 12 weeks, you may have bumped that amount up to 2/3 cup, twice a day).
  • At 16 weeks, the amount you feed may remain pretty constant, maybe 2/3 for one sitting and fewer for the next.

How much do you feed a corgi a day?

Underweight corgi.
There is no answer to this question.

You should feed your dog anywhere from 1/3 to 3/4 of a cup, twice a day. There is NO exact answer for this.

Even with professional vets, you'll find that each one has its own unique take on the amount of food corgis should be eating.

And if you search online, you'll find tons of different answers from different owners.

The truth is that there is no answer. You'll never find it.

And here's where it gets complicated:

The amount of food you feed changes depending on the corgi's circumstances.

How much should you feed a corgi puppy?

Typically, when it's a puppy, you'll feed more.

This is usually about a 1/2 cup twice per day. You can do one meal in the morning and one at noon.

Some people do it all at once, but preferably you should space them out so the energy distribution in calories is spread throughout the day.

As the puppy grows up, you can dial up the amout you feed. Only use 1/4 cup increments to make it easy to track. And keep a daily log of feeding amounts over time.

As the corgi goes to adolescent and then adult, the amount you feed should drop off. You can taper off by 1/4 cup until you hit the sweet spot.

This is where the dog can eat all its food and not be ravenous.

  • If your corgi can't finish its food, you fed way too much.
  • If your corgi eats like crazy, you're feeding way too little.

The amounts also vary between and depend on the dog's age, lifestyle, and mood. The food itself and any other supplements, veitams, or treats you give him also matter.

For exmaple, if your corgi gets daily strenous exercise, you should be feeding more because ehs' burning energy.

But if your corgi sits at home all day (which can lead to bad corgi behavior), the amount you feed should be less because he's sedentary.

Also, you need to add in the actual food you're feeding.

  • Is it high-quality, high calorie dry kibble?
  • Or is it wet dog food with low calories?
  • How many treats do you feed in a day? How many calories per treat?
  • Do you feed table scraps or other food?

There's no exact amount you should be feeding.

And the other point to note is that there's no amount that you should WANT to feed constantly.

You should be changing the quantity of food your corgi gets based on all these factors.

Use the "cups per day" as a baseline and go from there.

Don't just stick to the rule because you read it online or someone told you so. You should be adjusting the amount of food. Never stick with the same "rule of thumb" forever.

This is bad practice.

Some also argue that it may be cruel to feed your dog once per day.

This varies depending on the dog's lifestyle and breed. Some dogs don't need multiple feedings. But again, there's no exact answer.

Remember, your corgi's food amount varies by:

  • The amount of exercise he gets per day
  • The number of treats you feed per day
  • Other foods that add to overall caloric intake per day
  • The nutrients and calories per cup of dog food you feed
  • The age of your corgi
  • The current weight of your corgi
  • Whether or your corgi is neutered or spayed
  • The current season (summer or winter coats)
  • Whether your corgi is male or female
  • Whether your corgi is a Pembroke or Cardigan

As you can see, there are quite a few different variables that add to the overall picture. Try computing the "perfect" amount with all these different factors.

You probably can't. And that's okay.

Because you just need to adjust accordingly based on them. There is no right answer unless you have a supercomputer for calorie counting.

How much should my corgi weigh?

Corgi puppy.
The weight changes over time.

As you probably guessed, the weight changes over time.

  • The adult weight of a Pembroke male is about 27-30 pounds.
  • An adult Pembroke female is about 22-29 pounds.

These numbers are not "perfect" and can change.

But you can use them as a guideline for where your corgi's weight should be.

These measurements are for a fully-grown corgi that measures about 12″ tall at the withers.

Always consult with yoru professional vet for exact numbers, changing diet, and before starting any actin plans.

Evaluate daily to see how your corgi's doing and how much he eats. Check his weight on a weekly basis. Try to plot a graph and see if you notice trends.

You can do a quick check to see if you're in the safe weight zone by doing the following:

  • Have your corgi stand still
  • Evaluate the ribcage by eye. You should be able to see only fur and no visible ribs.
  • If you see ribs, he's probably underweight.
  • Put your hand over the ribcage. Rub it softly without pushing. You should be able to feel the ribs.
  • If you can't, he's probably overweight.
  • Check the waist. He should have a visible waist before the hind legs.

How to make your corgi gain weight

If your corgi is underweight, you can simply add more food in 1/4 cups to bring his weight up.

This will take course over a few weeks. Don't try to force him to eat more. Slowly bring the amount of food he eats up.

Be sure to constantly keep track of his weight over time until he approaches healthy levels. Then assess again from there. Either taper off or keep the food levels constant.

Remember, the amount of food CHANGES depending on the corgi's lifestyle.

If your dog doesn't eat all the food you give, consider changing to a different brand that's more calorically dense.

Don't up his calorie intake by using treats or table scraps. This is very bad for the dog. You can only raise his weight by using his staple food.

But if you try everything to bring his weight up and still can't, bring him to the vet for a consultation.

Don't try to fix it on your own as the diet is a critical part of corgi wellness and not to be messed with. At all.

How to make your corgi lose weight

If your corgi needs to lose weight, start by replacing some portions of his meal with veggies.

You can use green beans to help him feel full without sacrificing the extra calories. You can also use apple or carrots as treats rather than the regular treats you feed.

Slower taper off the amount of staple kibble, dry food, or wet food you feed. And eliminate table scraps or other unnecessary foods that you're giving him.

Start upping the exercise regimen also. This means either:

  • Exercising longer
  • Exercising harder
  • Exercising frequently
  • Or a combination of any.

This will help bring down the corgi's weight. You should also consult your vet before doing anything that'll change your corgi's diet or weight.

This is important that you do so as adjusting the weight can be dangerous if done unsafely. Don't skimp on this. Contact your VET!

What to feed your corgi

You should feeding your corgi a high-quality dog food.

There are so many options available that it can be hard to decide. Typically, all dog foods have the necessary nutrients your dog needs for a healthy development.

But the problem usually comes into play when determining how much of each element is needed, and the quality of each nutrient.

If possible, you should opt for all natural dog foods. There are some expensive and fancy brands out there, but note that it's not always necessary to buy them.

You'll have to sift through a few dozen reviews or so to settle for a dog food you deem suitable. The food must match the current lifestyle of your dog- like age, activity, and size.

Also note that the dog needs to LIKE the food for you to feed the food.

This is usually done by slowly transitioning the food by mixing up the old and new foods in varying portions until you fully replace the old food with the new one.

You should start off with 1/4 new to 3/4 old and then adjust as needed.

Corgi growth chart

Here's a corgi growth chart you can reference.

Further reading

Here are some additional resources you may find useful:

  • [Help] How much food does my 1.5 year old corgi need?
  • How much should a corgi eat every day? – Quora

Did you find out how much to feed your corgi?

How much to feed corgi puppy.
Now you know!

You should now have a much clearer understanding of how much to feed your dog!

The amount always changes and is never permanent. Adjust as necessary.

If you have any questions, post 'em below.

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Thanks for reading.


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